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Online Teacher Librarian Endorsement Program

Welcome to CU Denver and the #1 School Library program in Colorado!​ School libraries can and should be the heart of the school where students, staff, and administration look for collaborative support. Teacher librarians are now called upon to help lead innovation labs, curiosity centers and library programs with emerging learning technology and culturally responsive resources to promote literacies and essential skills for all learners. 

The fully online Teacher Librarian Leadership endorsement program within our Literacy Education program leads to the Colorado Department of Education endorsement for teacher librarians. The program integrates 21st Century learning standards as approved by the American Association of School Libraries with Common Core content standards and leadership competencies. The program adheres to the constructivist theory of resource-based learning, teacher leadership, instructional coaching, and media literacy.

Teacher librarians endorsed by the Colorado Department of Education require education as a teacher as well as a librarian, as advocated by the American Library Association and the International Association of School Libraries. As a teacher librarian, you will provide collaborative instructional planning, facilitation of professional learning, utilization of information literacy, online instructional resources, and teacher leadership through the management of your library program and online. Courses are offered in a completely online program.

Program at a Glance

Degree Program:

Teacher Librarian Endorsement

Offered By:

School of Education and Human Development


Cost Per Credit:


See Graduate Student Tuition and Fees page for graduate tuition disclaimer.

Cost Per Credit:


See Graduate Student Tuition and Fees page for graduate tuition disclaimer.

Application Deadline:

Credit Hours:


Program Details

Once admitted, students begin a plan of study that typically takes about two years to complete. Contact an Enrollment Navigator for more program specific information.

The Teacher Librarian endorsement does not stand alone and may only be added to an existing teacher license. Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree and a teaching license.

Professional Expectations

All students in the endorsement program are expected to show a strong commitment to the program and to maintain high academic, professional and ethical standards. Inappropriate or unprofessional conduct is cause for discipline or dismissal from the program.

Technology Expectations

The endorsement program uses computers and related technologies either as a focus or a tool for learning. Students are expected to obtain an e-mail account and check it frequently. In addition to on-campus facilities, students need convenient access to Internet-connected computers off campus, either at their place of work or at home. In addition to textbooks, software purchases may be required or recommended for specific classes.

Students have a choice between completing the requirements for the teacher librarian endorsement only or the full master's program with the teacher librarian endorsement. The endorsement requires a minimum of 24 graduate credit hours while the master’s program requires 30 graduate credit hours. Students complete a plan of study consisting of courses and professional field experience. Students must be licensed as a teacher or plan to complete a teacher endorsement prior to seeking the additional endorsement as a Teacher Librarian. This is a Colorado Department of Education requirement.

Tuition and Fees

Investing in your future is a big decision. However, becoming a fully online student at CU Denver is a high-quality and affordable option for learners of all types. Tuition and fees are based largely on the degree program you enroll in.

Tuition is determined based on which CU Denver program is chosen, undergraduate or graduate level, and finally your resident status. Visit our tuition and financial aid page for more information.

Financial aid and scholarships are available for those who qualify.


The endorsement requires a minimum of 24 graduate credit hours while the master’s program requires 30 graduate credit hours.


Admission requirements and deadlines vary based on program. In addition, you will have different requirements depending on if you are a first time student, a transfer student, or an international student. 

Learn more about the admissions process by filling out the form above or contacting an Enrollment Navigator today.

Career Outlook

Graduates with a Teacher Librarian endorsement have a very wide range of career opportunities available to them.

Our students go on to work in a variety of professional roles, including:

  • Teacher librarians
  • Young adult or children's public librarians
  • Digital literacy, tech, or instructional learning coaches
  • Educational technology specialists/media literacy coordinators
  • Curriculum coordinators
  • Online course designers/instructional designers
  • Professional learning coordinators
Sample Courses
SCHL 5030 - Cultivating Learning Skills in Library Leadership
In an increasingly shifting world and work force, both our student and adults will need to demonstrate learning skills to thrive in K-12 and post-secondary world. Teacher-librarians are guides for students and staff in ALL learning skills. Collaboration, innovative thinking, critical thinking and are areas of library leadership covered.
SCHL 5160 - Managing School Libraries
Case studies in the organization and administration of school library and instructional leadership of programs and projects. Topics include project management, personnel administration, budget development, management strategies, copyright and intellectual freedom.
LCRT 5795 – Teaching and Learning with Diverse Children’s Literature
This course explores children’s literature, including electronic books, within the past decade. A wide range of genres will be explored with a particular emphasis on newer authors and illustrators in the field. Participants will also practice critiquing children’s literature and selecting books for instruction.
LCRT 5201 - Teaching and Learning with Diverse Adolescent Literature
This course is grounded in the belief that individuals are more motivated to read when given choices about what they read. This course provides the opportunity to read a range of diverse adolescent literature in a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction, novels in verse, graphic novels, and consider implications for teaching and learning.
SCHL 5913 - K-12 Field Experience
Field experiences in selected K-12 school libraries that meet a high professional standard. The course serves as a capstone experience for endorsement and master's degree plans and helps induct students into the School Library profession by bridging theory and practice.